Symptoms of low estrogen in women

low estrogen symptomsEstrogen is the hormone that controls sexual and reproductive development of ladies. When a woman's body goes through menopause , the production of this hormone in the body fluctuates. Although the onset of menopause is the most common cause of low estrogen levels in ladies , a condition such as anorexia nervosa , delayed onset of puberty, or stress levels of ladies, nutrition and lifestyle can all impact the amount of estrogen that the body produces. According to Natural Hormones, " drops in estrogen can lead to a variety of \. signs and warning signs that menopause may be on its way , with a host of other feasible hormonal conditions . "

Hot flushes
Although a hot flash usually does not last over or six minutes, depending on healthy ladies , this " sudden feeling of heat in your face, neck and chest \. may cause you to sweat profusely , of increase your pulse rate and make you feel dizzy or nauseous . " Hot flashes are unrelated to ambient temperature, as well as a woman struggling with a hot flash may find itself sweating heavily when running out in the midst of winter.

low estrogen levels can affect the physical energy of the woman , leaving her worn out for no apparent reason. It can suddenly feel the necessity to nap afternoon when he did not have that additional sleep before , or he may struggle to complete tasks that would otherwise have had the energy to undertake.

A woman with low estrogen levels may experience migraines , which are intense headaches that amazingly , according to the Mayo Clinic , can be " preceded or accompanied by a sensory panel lights ( aura) , such as flashes of light, blind spots or tingling in your arm or leg , "and" nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Difficulty concentrating
Low estrogen levels may cause a woman to find the find it trouble focusing sometimes and in situations where it would normally be able to concentrate. It may even finish up experiencing forgetfulness , forgetting items, appointments or names that would otherwise have recalled .

If left untreated or uncorrected low estrogen levels can lead to a condition called osteoporosis. According to natural hormones , " estrogen helps bones absorb calcium and vitamin D , without it the bones become weak and there is an increased risk of fracture . "

mental disorders
Low levels of estrogen not only affect a woman physically , they can also affect his mental state. A woman whose body is not produce of this essential hormone may experience periods of depression , anxiety or a feeling of low self-esteem .


Estrogen and progesterone and its effects on women

low estrogen symptomsEstrogen and progesterone are literally fundamental hormones paving the way of life in the female body . They are responsible for the physical and sexual maturation , vital part of the process of conception and gestation , as well as to trigger the final stage , give birth and then develop the ability to breastfeed. 

Both hormones form a unity of action in the organic and sexual activity and are in permanent balance , but when this is not true , physical and psychological medicine whose scope has typified exactly disorders arise . 

What exactly are estrogens ? 

Estrogens , cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene derivatives are defined as sexual hormones and female character who develop ovaries , placenta, and to a limited degree , also called adrenal glands . 

Has as one of its primary functions the activation and disconnection of some key genes of the organism, but also actively participates in protein synthesis . It is also present in such disparate developments as healthy tissue growth , regulation of blood vessels and organs such as the heart or the very health of bones and hair. 

But the most popular feature is the ability of these derivatives deciclopentanoperhidrofenantreno to contribute to cell growth in organs, especially those of breast, endometrial and ovarian system. 

Estrogen and progesterone 
Progesterone is a hormone vital in the development of pregnancy 

What is the role of progesterone in the female body ? 

A progesterone, also called P4 or steroid hormone , it can be defined as a vital hormone in the development of pregnancy and in the activation of the second part of the menstrual cycle. To this hormone is popularly known as the ' pregnancy hormone ' , a name that fits his most eloquent function. 

The P4 has a sedative effect on women , unlike the estrógenoLa P4 is a counterparty because, among other features and differences, helps to stem precisely endometrial transformations triggered by the action of our other hormonal substance. 

This hormonal substance conditions the endometrium to facilitate implantation of the embryo and , moreover, makes it possible to attach tightly to the wall of the uterus where the new life will unfold , that is , creates the conditions for basic safety for the developing fetus . 

But the P4 can also be defined in a way that could be considered as an important part of parallel feminine traits , ie , so-called secondary characters of their sexuality , the physiological and physical attributes of the female sex. 

Similarities and differences 

Both hormones are balanced , have significant similarities and significant functional differences that distinguish them. Among the similarities are those of their assimilated and combined in female sexual maturity and development functions of the human embryo , and the funny thing about this relationship is that increased estrogen values ​​, means a decrease of the natural P4 . 

Among the differences , the P4 has a sedative effect on women , unlike estrogen , which initiates activation processes of the nervous system. 

Moreover , estrogen activated sexual desire, libido, while progesterone is not a determining factor in this regard, but the impact on the capabilities of neural stimulation, provide extra brain activity itself is significant for other functions organic . 

Estrogen and progesterone 
The low estrogen levels contribute to the fats have irregularly 

estrogenic limited 

low estrogen symptomsLow estrogen levels have increases as undesired effect of bad cholesterol . And the estrogenic substance is also actively involved in the metabolism of fats. Moreover, inappropriate levels will contribute to the fats have irregular or even unsightly way on the female figure , especially in the hips or breasts. 

Having a low level of P4 may cause spontaneous abortions and even sterility femeninaDesde the psychological point of view , a low rate of this type of hormonal substance triggered attitudes and behaviors in women that lead to situations of depression , irritability or bad mood continued without circumstantial apparent triggers . 

And a decrease of the medium affects the consolidation level of calcium in the bones and thus contributes to the density and therefore to the fragility thereof. 

Low level P4 

The consequences of low levels of P4 are very diverse. Here are some of the most frequent : 

female - sterility . Lack of P4 is decisive cause for women to not ovulate and in those cases, conceive. 

- Premenstrual syndrome . Less progesterone increases the risk of similar stress situations , accused nervousness or anxiety in the pre- regulation time.


Foods that increase estrogen in the body

Alimentos que aumentan el estrógeno en el cuerpoFoods that stimulate the production of estrogen 
Foods that increase estrogen levels in the body are : soy products like tofu & soy milk , beans , strawberries , apples , papaya, dates, plums , pomegranates , beets , eggplant, tomato, sweet potato , olives , potatoes , barley, rice , hops , oats , wheat, flax seeds , garbanzo beans , garlic, parsley , clover , peas , cabbage & liquorice. 

Importance of low estrogen levels 
You may pre-menopausal ladies experiencing menopausal signs or have low levels of estrogen in the body . Natural Estrogen is a female hormone & is an essential steroid in the reproductive method. Healthy levels of estrogen help regulate the menstrual cycle & maintain healthy levels of cholesterol. Foods that increase estrogen production or contain a compound known as di - indolylmethane or naturally contain high levels of estrogens that are basically absorbed by the body. The di - indolylmethane increases the level of estradiol in the body, a specific type of estrogen the body produces naturally. 

Effects of estrogen replacement 
Increase consumption of foods to stimulate the estrogen level can have several effects on hormones & emotions. Foods to stimulate estrogen have been linked to the reduction of pre -menopausal & post-menopausal signs , increasing energy , improving memory issues & increasing bone density . If foods that stimulate estrogen can not be basically absorbed by the body, a doctor may recommend hormone replacement therapy with estrogen & lifestyle or dietary changes to make positive little or no further loss of natural estrogen . 

Some foods may inhibit estrogen production & ought to be avoided when more food consumed that produce estrogen . Among the foods that inhibit estrogen production are melons , pineapple , strawberries , figs , grapes , cabbage , green beans , corn, squash, broccoli , white rice & white flour. Besides eating more foods that produce estrogen , a person looking to increase estrogen levels ought to maintain a diet low in fat & high in fiber to help you modify to changes in hormone levels . Whole grains , fresh vegetables , tempeh , nuts & seeds , legumes, & seaweed are eating foods that are recommended along with those that stimulate estrogen production . 

Much estrogen in the body can be harmful to health , so it is important that you assess a doctor before making extreme changes to your diet. Signs of much estrogen in the body are irregular periods, cravings for sweets , loss of sex drive , liquid retention , fatigue , swelling or pain in the breasts , endometriosis, extreme menstrual cramps & weight gain . Foods that increase estrogen ought to be reduced or eliminated from the diet until estrogen levels are restored to a healthy level .


Symptoms of low estrogen levels in women - Boost Libido and Cure Vaginal Dryness Naturally

low estrogen symptomsEstrogen is of the most important hormones in sexual health in females is concerned. The production of this hormone begins to slow down in middle age or menopause & ends in lots of body & behavioral changes in females. 

Reduced estrogen levels make females experience mood swings   depression   fatigue  lack of concentration   anxiety  headaches & memory issues . Not but that  it is also of the main reasons for low libido & vaginal dryness in females. 

How to improve the level of estrogen & stimulate the female libido 

Low estrogen levels make the walls of the vagina narrow & dry  which not only makes intercourse painful   but also leads to bleeding in the coursework of intercourse . It is like a blow to female libido or sex drive. Females lose interest in sex & this can lead to relationship issues. 

These supplements not only increase the production of estrogen in your body  but also increase blood flow to the genitals   thereby providing a boost to your sexual desires . They also increase the response to sexual stimulation so that you can climax soon after foreplay. 

Although hormone therapy is of the treatments available  it is not desirable because of side effects involved. Another great option that has found immense popularity among middle-aged females to boost their libido & overcome other sexual issues is natural libido enhancement supplements . 

These supplements also increase the production of nitric oxide which dilate blood vessels causing increased blood flow to the clitoris. 

These supplements are a combination of various herbs & other natural ingredients such as ginkgo  Horny Goat Weed or Epimedium Sagittatum   Tribulus terrestris   melatonin   niacin   DHEA etc.   

A quantity of the high quality supplements are clinically approved & do not have side effects. In fact  they do not even interfere with other medications you may take as a pill . 

These natural libido enhancers not only be positive improved libido but also increase your production of estrogen & testosterone without the side effects of HRT . 

To learn more about the best female libido boosters   in the event you require to improve the production of estrogen & boost libido naturally ...


Learn to identify the symptoms of low estrogen

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Estrogen is a very important hormone and lower thereof may lead to a lot of discomfort levels . Symptoms of low estrogen can be very dramatic and unequivocal   but in some women  they can be very subtle. 

Estrogen is necessary for a variety of reasons  including to preserve bone density and regulate the production of cholesterol . It also helps to maintain a lubricated vaginal lining and thick . Maintaining normal estrogen levels also helps to slow memory loss . As you can see  this vital hormone helps keep longer young women and therefore they must closely monitor its levels. Women who are approaching menopause are usually their estrogen levels are declining. 

Typical symptoms of low estrogen that most aging women experience hot flashes   headaches   water retention and joint pain . Other common symptoms that affect their eyes are dry skin  weight gain and hair loss. They also have psychological symptoms such as swings depression  anxiety and mood at this time  in addition to memory loss . Vaginal dryness and loss of libido also occurs at this time . 

Physicians also reported that there are certain medical conditions that occur in a woman who could be considered as symptoms of low estrogen . These infections are atherosclerosis   arthritis and vagina. Physicians should always check the levels of estrogen in women who are in their 40s and above if they suffer from any of these conditions. Stimulate estrogen levels is normally all it takes to improve their condition. 

It is very important to identify the symptoms of low estrogen levels so that women start taking the right steps to solve this problem. With the advancement of medical science   it is now possible to replace the decreasing levels of this hormone or any other with those bioidentical . Since these hormones are identical to those that the body produces   they can be used without being too concerned about the health risks. 

If treatment to replace lost estrogen   hormone replacement therapy  is started early enough  you can keep your youthful looks and available as long as possible. This is why it is so essential that you have the ability to identify the symptoms of low estrogen at the right time . You will not have to deal with common problems related to menopause and can enjoy a vigorous and satisfying life as long as possible .


The various symptoms of low estrogen levels

low estrogen symptoms

Here we will look at the imbalance in the level of estrogen. The following symptoms when estrogen levels fall are: 
Irregular or missed menstruation : 
The function of estrogen in women is to help the uterus to receive the fertilized egg in the ovaries. After the age of 40-50 years   the ovaries stop functioning and causing disruption or less complete menstruation. Women whose ovaries have stopped working also suffer from hot flashes. It is the main indication of low estrogen. 


Due to low estrogen associated with menopause   the skin is effected and feels dry and easily develop acne . Dryness of the skin can be cured with hormone replacement therapy   but is not safe as it can cause other health problems . It is concluded through research that supplements containing red clover isoflavones can maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin and help reduce the effects on the skin due to reduced estrogenlevel 

*The Bones 

Bone thinning or osteoporosis is another symptom known to show lower level of estrogen. After the menopause   the decrease of estrogen levels and lack of estrogen slows the absorption of calcium and vitamin D in the body, which are both basic requirement for maintaining strong and healthy bones . Therefore the following menopause after age 50   it is important for women to take calcium and vitamin D to reduce the symptoms of declining estrogen . 

* Sexuality 

It has been shown that the level of estrogen plays an important role in female sexual health . Vaginal dryness and thinness is caused by low estrogen  which makes penetration painful and therefore reduces sexual desire in women. Lack of sexual desire again causes vaginal disorders. 

On the other hand   in some women   despite vaginal dryness   increases libido in postmenopausal women because there is no risk of pregnancy . Vaginal dryness   in most cases can be relieved by the use of lubricants KY . 

*The Brain 

After menopause  most women suffer from : 

Mood swings - 
- Fatigue 
- Depression 
- Anxiety 
- Headaches 
Memory problems - 
- Difficulty concentrating 

It should be noted that women who have gone through anxiety and depression before menopause are likely to have these symptoms more aftermenopause. It is necessary to treat depression   especially if it leads to suicidal thoughts. 
Mild depression and mood swings due to low estrogen can be treated with natural anti -depressants. Some symptoms of low estrogen levels can also be reduced with dietary supplements