Symptoms of low estrogen in women

low estrogen symptomsEstrogen is the hormone that controls sexual and reproductive development of ladies. When a woman's body goes through menopause , the production of this hormone in the body fluctuates. Although the onset of menopause is the most common cause of low estrogen levels in ladies , a condition such as anorexia nervosa , delayed onset of puberty, or stress levels of ladies, nutrition and lifestyle can all impact the amount of estrogen that the body produces. According to Natural Hormones, " drops in estrogen can lead to a variety of \. signs and warning signs that menopause may be on its way , with a host of other feasible hormonal conditions . "

Hot flushes
Although a hot flash usually does not last over or six minutes, depending on healthy ladies , this " sudden feeling of heat in your face, neck and chest \. may cause you to sweat profusely , of increase your pulse rate and make you feel dizzy or nauseous . " Hot flashes are unrelated to ambient temperature, as well as a woman struggling with a hot flash may find itself sweating heavily when running out in the midst of winter.

low estrogen levels can affect the physical energy of the woman , leaving her worn out for no apparent reason. It can suddenly feel the necessity to nap afternoon when he did not have that additional sleep before , or he may struggle to complete tasks that would otherwise have had the energy to undertake.

A woman with low estrogen levels may experience migraines , which are intense headaches that amazingly , according to the Mayo Clinic , can be " preceded or accompanied by a sensory panel lights ( aura) , such as flashes of light, blind spots or tingling in your arm or leg , "and" nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Difficulty concentrating
Low estrogen levels may cause a woman to find the find it trouble focusing sometimes and in situations where it would normally be able to concentrate. It may even finish up experiencing forgetfulness , forgetting items, appointments or names that would otherwise have recalled .

If left untreated or uncorrected low estrogen levels can lead to a condition called osteoporosis. According to natural hormones , " estrogen helps bones absorb calcium and vitamin D , without it the bones become weak and there is an increased risk of fracture . "

mental disorders
Low levels of estrogen not only affect a woman physically , they can also affect his mental state. A woman whose body is not produce of this essential hormone may experience periods of depression , anxiety or a feeling of low self-esteem .


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a very useful and important article on this subject.
    /low estrogen symptoms

