Learn to identify the symptoms of low estrogen

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Estrogen is a very important hormone and lower thereof may lead to a lot of discomfort levels . Symptoms of low estrogen can be very dramatic and unequivocal   but in some women  they can be very subtle. 

Estrogen is necessary for a variety of reasons  including to preserve bone density and regulate the production of cholesterol . It also helps to maintain a lubricated vaginal lining and thick . Maintaining normal estrogen levels also helps to slow memory loss . As you can see  this vital hormone helps keep longer young women and therefore they must closely monitor its levels. Women who are approaching menopause are usually their estrogen levels are declining. 

Typical symptoms of low estrogen that most aging women experience hot flashes   headaches   water retention and joint pain . Other common symptoms that affect their eyes are dry skin  weight gain and hair loss. They also have psychological symptoms such as swings depression  anxiety and mood at this time  in addition to memory loss . Vaginal dryness and loss of libido also occurs at this time . 

Physicians also reported that there are certain medical conditions that occur in a woman who could be considered as symptoms of low estrogen . These infections are atherosclerosis   arthritis and vagina. Physicians should always check the levels of estrogen in women who are in their 40s and above if they suffer from any of these conditions. Stimulate estrogen levels is normally all it takes to improve their condition. 

It is very important to identify the symptoms of low estrogen levels so that women start taking the right steps to solve this problem. With the advancement of medical science   it is now possible to replace the decreasing levels of this hormone or any other with those bioidentical . Since these hormones are identical to those that the body produces   they can be used without being too concerned about the health risks. 

If treatment to replace lost estrogen   hormone replacement therapy  is started early enough  you can keep your youthful looks and available as long as possible. This is why it is so essential that you have the ability to identify the symptoms of low estrogen at the right time . You will not have to deal with common problems related to menopause and can enjoy a vigorous and satisfying life as long as possible .

Source: http://lowestrogensymptoms.blogspot.com/2013/11/estrogen-is-very-important-hormone-and.html

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